XASECO Command List
Click on any command to copy it to your clipboard and use it in TrackMania.
Admin Commands
/admin help
Provides all admin commands.
/admin players
Displays all online/offline players.
/admin players live
Lists live players currently online.
/admin pmlog
Shows private message log for admins.
/admin wall <message>
Broadcasts a server-wide message.
/admin endround
Ends the current round manually.
/admin resmap
Restarts the current map.
/admin nextmap
Loads the next map in rotation.
/admin replaymap
Replays the current map.
/admin pass
Passes a current vote.
/admin cancel
Cancels a current vote.
/admin dropjukebox <#>
Removes a track from jukebox by position number.
/admin clearjukebox
Clears the entire jukebox.
/admin warn <login/id>
Issues a warning to a player.
/admin kick <login/id>
Kicks a player from the server.
/admin kickghost <login>
Kicks ghost players.
/admin black <login/id>
Blacklists a player.
/admin ban <login/id>
Bans a player from the server.
/admin banip <IP>
Bans an IP address from the server.
Important Commands
/admin endround
Ends the current round immediately.
/admin nextmap
Skips to the next map.
/admin resmap
Restarts the current map.
/admin replaymap
Replays the current map.
/admin clearjukebox
Clears the entire jukebox.
/admin kickghost <login>
Kicks ghost players (disconnected but still listed).
/admin ban <login/id>
Bans a player from the server.
/admin wall <message>
Broadcasts an important message to all players.
/admin warn <login/id>
Warns a player by login or ID.
User Commands
Displays all available user commands.
Shows all records on the current track.
/recs pb
Displays your personal best on the current track.
/recs live
Shows live records of online players.
Displays current list of online players.
/jukebox <#>
Adds a track to the jukebox.
/jukebox drop
Drops your currently added track from the jukebox.
Shows information about the current track.
Displays the top 10 ranked players.
Displays your best records.